Du betrachtest gerade Stop the violent confrontation and build a just and sustainable peace for all people in Israel and Palestine

Stop the violent confrontation and build a just and sustainable peace for all people in Israel and Palestine

WILPF Germany stands in solidarity with the people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel. Those people who are currently still living in life-threatening situations and fear, who are victims of violence, who experience violence in their environment and who mourn those who have died or are injured.

We stand alongside the people in Sheikh Jarrah, Tel Aviv and all over the world, who show resourcefulness in their means to end the violent conflict in a nonviolent manner, and who work tirelessly to mediate the root causes of the conflict.

Above all, we stand alongside all women who continue to perform care work and preserve lives under the most difficult of conditions regardless of missiles, bombs and violent attacks endangering their everyday lives.

With reference to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, we show solidarity with WILPF Palestine and all people and organizations who are working together to end the current occupation.

We openly recognize both Israel’s right to exist and the right of Palestinians to self-determination. At the same time, we demand an immediate end to the displacement of Palestinian people from their homes, from Palestinian territory in accordance with UN Security Resolution 2334, the destruction of infrastructure, and an instant stop to the construction of Israeli settlements as defined by Article 53 of the IV Geneva Convention.

We demand an end to all violence driven by power politics. We call for an end to a conflict fueled by toxic nationalism that breeds hatred on both sides and is ultimately carried out at the expense of the civilian population.

We demand an unarmed international presence under the auspices of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda to accompany, observe, document and report on the events of everyday life in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.

We call on the international community, the United Nations, and all political leaders in the affected area to resume the peace process initiated by the Oslo Accords.

We stand for respect, the recognition of different narratives, and a just peace brought about through dialogue that enables people to lead a life free of violence and fear. In line with the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda (UN resolutions 1325 and subsequent resolutions) we call for a dialogue and peace process that involves the participation of all affected groups. This particularly includes the participation of Palestinian and Israeli women regarding the implementation of these processes so that bridges can be built and just peace can be achieved – together.