Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Stop the violent confrontation and build a just and sustainable peace for all people in Israel and Palestine

Stop the violent confrontation and build a just and sustainable peace for all people in Israel and Palestine

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:English

WILPF Germany stands in solidarity with the people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel. Those people who are currently still living in life-threatening situations and fear, who are victims of violence, who experience violence in their environment and who mourn those who have died or are injured.

WeiterlesenStop the violent confrontation and build a just and sustainable peace for all people in Israel and Palestine
Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Breaking through the addiction to weapons – feminist critiques of militarization.

Breaking through the addiction to weapons – feminist critiques of militarization.

The disarmament program Reaching Critical Will hosted a roundtable discussion on May 26, 2021, in which feminist voices from New Zealand/Aotearoa, Australia, Italy, Japan, and Germany spoke and critiqued what militarization means in their respective contexts.

WeiterlesenBreaking through the addiction to weapons – feminist critiques of militarization.
Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Jenseits der Faszination von Waffen – feministische Kritiken von Militarisierung

Jenseits der Faszination von Waffen – feministische Kritiken von Militarisierung

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Abrüstung

Das Abrüstungsprogramm Reaching Critical Will veranstaltete am 26. Mai 2021 eine Gesprächsrunde, in der feministische Stimmen aus Neuseeland/Aotearoa, Australien, Italien, Japan und Deutschland zu Wort kamen und sich kritisch über die Bedeutung von Militarisierung in ihren jeweiligen Kontexten austauschten.

WeiterlesenJenseits der Faszination von Waffen – feministische Kritiken von Militarisierung
Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Video: For humane refugee politics – Women fighting for human rights
Webinar: Humane refugee policy

Video: For humane refugee politics – Women fighting for human rights

Watch our video, recorded on 14 June 2021, about the current state of the European external borders and human rights violation due to inhumane border politics. The video is in English.

WeiterlesenVideo: For humane refugee politics – Women fighting for human rights