Du betrachtest gerade A Day in the Life of Women Peacebuilders in the Time of Covid
Cover A Day in the Life of Women Peacemakers

A Day in the Life of Women Peacebuilders in the Time of Covid

While considerable accomplishments have been made by women in many parts of the world and women have sound reasons to celebrate, important discussions are also planned to understand the inability of the nation states and countries to meet the pledges taken under the international laws and policies to guarantee women’s equity and equality.

The year 2020 is significant for women’s rights, with celebrations of achievements related to progress throughout the world. It’s the year of anniversaries of many iconic documents for women’s rights: the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the 20th anniversary of the 1325 Resolution on Women, Peace and Security, the 10th anniversary of UN Women and many other accomplishments for which regional events have been planned.

Irrespective of challenges brought on by Covid-19, many of these events still took place with some moved to the cyberspace while others were held, observing strict security regulations related to COVID-19-and many celebrations are still in the pipeline.

While considerable accomplishments have been made by women in many parts of the world and women have sound reasons to celebrate, important discussions are also planned to understand the inability of the nation states and countries to meet the pledges taken under the international laws and policies to guarantee women’s equity and equality. And why the essential issues, like guarantying women’s freedom from discrimination, violence, racism, meaningful participation in the peace process and governance, right to vote and equal pay – are still not upheld by most governments worldwide.